71,40 USD
  • Brent

    75,07 USD
  • Urals

    67.61 USD
  • Azeri Light

    82.21 USD
GL held safety stand-down across all affiliates

GL held safety stand-down across all affiliates

At GL, we conducted a comprehensive safety stand-down across all our affiliate companies, including Salyan Oil Limited, Taghiyev Operating Company, and GL Technical Services. This pivotal event was attended by members of the GL Executive Team, Asset General Managers, middle-line managers, and supervisors, showcasing our collective commitment to safety.

The focus of the event was to underscore the importance of safety at GL, engage in open discussions about safety practices, and take proactive steps toward creating a safer work environment for everyone.

Safety is integral to our operations, and such initiatives are vital for fostering an environment where every team member is empowered and equipped to prioritize safety in all tasks.