71,48 USD
  • Brent

    75,42 USD
  • Urals

    67.61 USD
  • Azeri Light

    82.67 USD
GL Group and its affiliated company Salyan Oil Limited announce a tender

GL Group and its affiliated company Salyan Oil Limited announce a tender

To the attention of the vendors willing to participate in the open tender announced by the GL Group and it’s affiliated company Salyan Oil Limited.

Vendors who can provide services matching with below given minimum requirements will be pre-qualified to the next stage and invited to the tender:

  • Drawworks Rated Horsepower (HP) for the drilling rig should be minimum 1500 HP
  • Drilling rig should have a Top Drive System
  • Drilling rig should have annular 13 5/8” inch for 5,000psi
  • Drilling rig should have 13 5/8” inch  x 5,000psi BOP with one pipe and one blind RAM

Please send information about matching requirements to [email protected] by 18:00 on 11th of December, 2024.


For those who wish to participate in tenders of GL Group LLC and its affiliated companies.

  • For prequalification, please use [email protected] email to apply.
  • Upon applying, you will be provided with prequalification documentation, are required to fill out, complete and return accordingly.
  • All applications for prequalification are subject to internal review, assessment, and due diligence.
  • Submission of prequalification documents does not guarantee the right to be included in GL Group’s and affiliated companies’ tenders. This process provides initial information about potential suppliers.
  • Prequalification does not guarantee your shortlisting for GL Group’s and its affiliated companies’ tenders.

Tender Number


Scope of Work

Response to minimum requirements



Provision of Drilling Rig Services

We. 04/12/2024